Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A New Addition

I am glad to welcome Sumeet to join me as one of the authors of this blog. As i pointed out yesterday, it has been my endevour to make this blog useful for as many traders as possible and to provide quality content to all traders. As a means to that end, pls join me in inviting Sumeet to this blog.

Sumeet Malik is a Forex trader and educator. With his interest in different countries and economies, Forex Surfing grew from a hobby to passion. His education includes a Bachelors in Economics from University of Delhi and an MBA from Pepperdine University, USA. He teaches NCFM certification and Trading courses at He also keeps a forex blog at You can follow Sumeet on twitter @fxsurfr.

Please continue to provide the same support to Sumeet as you have been providing to me so far. Together, we will all make this a wonderful blog for all traders.